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Three business fields for BMG

Under the Company Philosophy of “We serve human health care across the world, by way of research and development of better biomaterial products and providing innovative solutions in the medical field.”, BMG is developing the next generation technology in the field of regenerative medicine and supporting human’s sound healthcare.

Biomaterial business field
BMG is contributing to the progress of medical technology by way of developing and producing wide range of bio-absorbable polymer including the polymer for nation’s firstly approved bio-absorbable medical suture.
Medical device business field
Utilizing our specialized technology in advanced medical polymer chemistry, we are engaged in product development in a wide range of medical fields, including dentistry, and we are not only a raw material supplier, but also develop and manufacture products in the medical device field.
Life science business field
The establishment of the former Bio Verde Co., Ltd. originated in October 2003, when our pre-venture research at Kyoto University titled "Creation of a room-temperature long-term preservation solution for living tissues'' was adopted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency. . Furthermore, from December 2022, BMG will absorb the company and all businesses operated by BioVerde will be inherited by the Company.

BMG Inc.
45 Minamimatsunoki-cho, Higashikujo, Minami-ku, Kyoto 601−8023, JAPAN
©2025 BMG Inc.